Thursday, November 27, 2008

Feliz Dia de Gracias!

We celebrated Thanksgiving today with our community. Each person made at least one dish of their own (though Chris made about 8 million baked goods), and we invited our Lutheran Center cocinera (cook) to come join us - this time we would cook for her. More people kept walking by, so we invited them in, Mexican seminarians, professors, etc, etc. We even had fun with a piñata for a Mexican twist on our fiesta!

At the end of the evening, Chris and Gloria (our cocinera/cook) exchanged goodbyes. On Sunday we move Chris to Guadalajara, so our Thanksgiving feast was also a final fiesta with Chris as a part of our community. Bittersweet, just like the chocolate chips in Chris's chocolate pecan pie... But a fun time was had by all, and Gloria now wants the recipes to all of our dishes, so she can surprise her family with a muy norteamericana Christmas dinner! What a cultural exchange... Feliz Dia de Gracias Para Todos!

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