Monday, December 1, 2008

Moving Day...Otra Vez

Estamos en Guadalajara!

Today we moved into our new apartment in Guadalajara (ok, actually in Zapopan, a pseudo-suburb of Guadalajara, more on that later). Tomorrow I have to go back to D.F. to finish the last two weeks of classes, but Chris will stay here.

Brief report on the apartment: It's really wonderful. There are two - two! - private outdoor patios all our own (one, apparently, is exclusively for sunbathing...hijole), it's totally furnished, including cable TV and wi-fi internet, it's in a nice neighborhood...yeah. We're pretty happy. :)

We're also pretty hungry, having spent the morning trying to figure out how to get here. We're off to see what we can find to eat...provecho!


From Chicago with Love said...

nice! look happy! I skipped your whole Chipas section so you will have something to share with me in person!

Hannah Q. Parris said...

Yes, you do look happy, which makes me happy, too! But also, I read the whole Chiapas section and still want to hear about it in person. So there, Adam.